Old Cottage
Island 13 Lake Temagami

When we set about replacing the roof, a number of problems soon became apparent.
The old camp was "rotten" in a number of places and required complete replacement.
Details are shown below.


old roof and wall    A few years earlier, we had noticed a "soft spot" on the roof on the west side of the kitchen area. We attempted a repair, but soon found that the wall under this damaged area was also in need of replacement. That's me . . . Bob Sewell . . . in the photo. I was joking about using the chain saw to simply cut the damaged part out.

     This discovery should have served as a "wake up call" alerting us to other possible problems lurking in this old structure.
saedust insulation    A year or two later, more leaky areas were noticed; and we decided to re-roof the camp.  However, more rotten areas suggested an entire new roof including rafters, roof boards and so on, would be needed.

    After removing the roof, it became apparent that the walls were also in rough shape. That's old fashioned sawdust insulation packed into the wall.
framing problem10   In some places, the wall boards themselves weren't bad; but some of the framing 2X4's had pretty well rotted away. Some of this damage was likely due to ants having taken up residence in the damp wood.

   It was obvious that the walls would have to be entirely replaced as well.  At this point, we considered erecting a new structure on the old floor.
floor   However, once the walls were removed, it became evident that the perimeter of the floor . . . right where the new walls were to be supported . . . was also rotten.
   The photo shows the outside edge of the floor when the wall was removed. The reddish part at the top is the interior floor and the lower part is the outside deck. The floor was rotten around the edges and would also have to be replaced. We were now involved in building an entire new cottage.
fireplace    We considered saving the fine, old fireplace; but if you look closely, you can see that it's leaning slightly to the west.
   The "foundation" for the fireplace wasn't really a foundation at all. We had assumed for years that a box-like structure under the fireplace was a form that originally held concrete and rocks in place during construction back in the 1930's. However, it was just a wooden box filled with loose stones and rubble . . . and the fireplace was built on top of it.
   The fireplace had to go as well.

Now, we were involved in building an entire new cottage.
To see the new camp, CLICK HERE.

Click to Contact Robert Sewell