SIR RICHARD PYVELESDON, of Pyvelesdon, co. Salop, Knt., was father of:
SIR ROGER DE PYVELISDON, whose ensigns were: Sa., three mullets, arg., was seated at Emral, co. Flint, in the reign of Edward I., and was appointed by that monarch, after subjugation of Wales, collector of taxes levied in the northern principality; he was also sheriff of Anglesey, 33 Edward I., 1304, and keeper of that county; but the Welsh, averse to foreign rule and taxation, seized upon Sir Roger, and caused him to be hung. By his wife, Agnes, dau. of David le Clerk, Baron of Malpas, Sir Roger was father of:
SIR RICHARD DE PYVELISDON, Knt. of Emral, living 9 Edward II., sheriff of Caernarvonshire, and representative in parliament of the borough of Caernarvon. He m. Agnes, dau. and heir of Sir William (or Sir Griffith) Warren, of Warrenhall, co. Salop, and was father (with a son, Sir William Pyvelisdon, Knt. of Emral, living June, 15 Edward II.) of:
SIR ROGER DE PYVELISDON, Knt. of Emral, who d. about 13 Edward III. He m. Margaret, dau. of Llewelyn ap Ynyr, Lord of Gelligynan in Yale, and was s. by his 2nd son, but eventual heir:
RICHARD DE PYVELISDON, Esq. of Emral, who d. about 12 Richard II., and was the father, by Lucy his wife, dau. of Madoc Voel, of Eglwysegle of:
ROBERT PULESTON, Esq. of Emral, who m. Lowry, sister of
Owen Glendower, and dau. of Griffith Vychan, Lord of Glyndwrdwy.
Robert Puleston, whose estates were forfeited in consequence of his support
of the claims of his memorable brother-in-law to the Cambrian crown, but
subsequently restored, has, with other issue, an eldest son
JOHN PULESTON, Esq. of Emral, whose will is dated in
1443, he m. Angharad, dau. of Griffith Hanmer, of Hanmer, co Flint, and
had issue (with Margaret, living in 1443, wife of David ap Ievan ap Einion,
Constable of the castle of Harlech, in Merionethshire) as son:
ROGER PULESTON, Esq. of Emral, living temp. Henry VI.,
and Edward IV., who was deputy in 1460, of Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke,
Captain of Denbigh Castle; and who m. Janet, dau. of Thomas Bulkeley, Esq.
of Eaton, co. Chester, son and heir of Sir William Bulkeley, Knt., by Margaret,
his wife, dau. of Sir Richard Molyneux, of Sifton and granddau. of Thomas,
Lord Stanley, K.G., and had issue:
I. Sir Roger Puleston, Knt. of Emral, who m. about 1484 Joan, sister and heir of Sir Edward Hanmer, Knt., and by her left at his decease, 18 January, 36 Henry VIII., a son and two daus., viz. 1 EDWARD (Sir); I Margaret, who m. Robert Jones, Esq. of Llwynon, co. Denbigh, and Abbenbury, co. Salop; II Matilda, who m John Roydon, of Iscoed, co. Flint. The son,
SIR EDWARD PULESTON, Knt of Emral, ancestor of the PULESTONS OF EMRAL.
II. Thomas, living 22 Henry VII III. Philip
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