This page was posted on March 27, 2003
to show the descent of Janet Fleming (married Rev. John Livingston in 1635)
from the Flemings of Edinburgh and has been copied verbatim et literatim
Florence Van Rensselaer: The Livingston Family
in America and Its Scottish Origins, New York, 1949 page 44.
I hope this page may save others the trouble and expense
of obtaining a copy of Miss Van Rensselaer's book.
. . . Robert Sewell, March 2003
I. Patrick Fleming, Burgess, 8 December 1500.
II. Patrick Fleming, Burgess, 12 September 1531.
III. George Fleming died before 25 February 1556/7.
IV. Thomas Fleming died 18 April
1619; married Isabel of Wigtoun(1)
who married Walter Young for her second husband.
Guild brother of Rutherglen and Burgess
of Edinburgh 6 May 1580.
V. Bartholomew Fleming, second son, married Marion Hamilton.
VI. Janet Fleming, elder daughter, born 1613, married 23 June 1635, Rev. John Livingston.
From volume in office of Mr. Butler,
Windsor Herald, College of Arms, London.
Roll of Edinburgh Burgesses giving
line of descent according to Herald in charge.
(Not Mr. Butler,
who was out at that hour.)
Notes by Robert Sewell with thanks to Jane Reade, March 2003:
Sir Hector Livingston Duff wrote: "John Livingston married, on the 23rd June, 1635, Janet, daughter of Bartholomew Fleming. She was a kinswoman of the Earl of Wigton who, with his eldest son, Lord Fleming, attended the wedding."
However, Sir Hector does
not indicate how Janet was related to the Earl of Wigton. As well,
we now have references to Wigton, Wigtown
and Wigtoun:
Click to return to the Livingston of Callendar Page.